Alice Delgado Lima

Speech therapist specialized in diagnosis, evaluation and intervention in speech and communication in children and adults, as well as in acquired neurological damage and dementia. With a master´s degree in neuroscience focused on the clinical field resulting in a project on “Olfactory performance as a biomarker for neurodegeneration”. Having worked as a speech therapist in private entities and a public hospital, attending to physiological and communication related deficits. Interested mainly on the neurodegeneration field. Therefore, has experience in investigation lines focused on normal and pathological aging. Worked with professionals at Universidad Complutense de Madrid on projects like “Cognitive status and reserve in people with subjective complaints about memory” presented at the V International Congress for Psychological and Educational Context and Health and “The understanding of memory complains in aging: an approach from genetics, neuropsychology and anatomic-functional connections.” Actively contributing to building neuropsychological profiles and exploring new possible physiological biomarkers for early detection and prevention of neurodegeneration. Currently collaborating on an ongoing project focused on COVID-19 at the Hospital Central de Cruz Roja San José y Santa Adela, and developing a research on “Olfactory capacity in normal and pathological aging and in Down Syndrome” as a PhD thesis on Universidad Complutense de Madrid as part of the research in Medical and Surgical Sciences program.