Complutense University of Madrid: CogPsi_Lab

The CogPsi_Lab group carries out its work in the Faculty of Psychology of the Complutense University of Madrid, and its objective is the study and analysis of the cognitive processes associated with healthy aging and the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases, mainly Alzheimer's disease. In addition, it has a teaching and knowledge transfer mission focused on subjects related to cognitive processes, aging and disability, aimed at both undergraduate and graduate students and the general population.

Main research lines

  • Cognitive performance and quality of life in ageing.

  • Early detection of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Intervention in strategies to improve memory, communication and language, as well as other cognitive abilities.

  • Processing resources and task demands in older adults' language comprehension. Psycholinguistic markers of cognitive impairment.

  • Deficiency in olfactory ability as a prodromal marker in neurodegenerative diseases.

  • Update of Spanish normative scales of the main neuropsychological evaluation tests.

Team members